AFF117 Mkii Deep Bed Filter Column Demonstration Capabilities Didactic Equipment Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment
measuring how fast total head loss increases with filtration run
measuring pressure drop profiles through the filter bed
measuring suspension concentration profiles through the filter bed
demonstration of reversed flow fluidisation and backwashing
the column may be readily adapted for absorption and ion
Exchange studies.

Ordering Specification
A clear perspex column (100mm internal diameter x 1350mm long) mounted in a floor standing framework approximately 2m high.
Service system comprises of: pump, 2 sump tanks (each 350L capacity), flow controller, rotameter is supported by a corrosion resistant gauze mesh below which is packed 1kg of 10mm Ballotini.
Slotted sample tubes penetrate the filtration medium at various depths.
Sampling and manometer tappings are located at 20mm depth intervals staggered in position over 0.8m column height.
Control valves fitted to the sampling tubes allow isokinetic sampling.